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8 Tips for Running an Online Business Remotely 

Virtual NYC Office • Sep 06, 2019

Countless entrepreneurs dream of running an online business remotely.

Virtual Office Business

Countless entrepreneurs dream of running an online business remotely. Running a business from home or the location of your choice offers the kind of freedom an office job cannot provide. There are, however, many challenges to running a virtual business, with many entrepreneurs struggling to operate at the productivity levels they are used to. Just because there are challenges, though, doesn't mean it is not worth the perseverance. By following a number of proven tips, you can gain all the benefits of a remote business, but avoid many of the pitfalls that are commonly faced.

Remove Distractions

Business and home life can often become intertwined, causing all kinds of distractions that damage productivity. If possible, create an area that is used primarily for work, taking away anything that might disrupt progress. It is also important to discipline yourself while online, with social media and YouTube likely to eat into your working hours. It will be impossible to remove all distractions, but setting yourself up for success should be a top priority.

Hire a Virtual Office Service

A virtual office is, as the name suggests, virtual. Different virtual office companies offer different products and services to make your business look more professional. Most services provide a business address, as opposed to your home address or a post office box, acceptance of mail deliveries on your behalf, and offer phone, voicemail, and meeting room services. Some companies even offer domain names and web hosting.

Create Working Hours

Working remotely might sound like a dream for many office workers, but it can often lead to an increase in working hours. Becoming an entrepreneur usually requires many sacrifices, so you need to look at creating a balance. Working to a schedule ensures you do not prolong tasks for extended periods of time, with a set time you have to stop work. There will inevitably be times when you have to break the routine, but having defined hours can help to develop good practices in your work life.

Continue Networking

One of the first factors to suffer when entrepreneurs start working remotely is networking. Without a typical office environment, people can become used to operating using phone and email, but this misses out on many of the benefits of face-to-face meetings. Successful networking can be achieved with business groups and conferences, taking the time to check back with people you have met. Even if is a harder proposition when working remotely, make an effort to seek out networking opportunities whenever they present themselves.

Monitor Productivity

To avoid productivity issues, monitoring how much work gets done is vital. You might not be able to understand your productivity levels with complete accuracy, but it is possible to check output levels by separating tasks into different categories of importance. A common issue occurs when business owners consistently perform the repetitive tasks that don't provide a high ROI. While simple tasks will always be required, it is easy to create an illusion of high productivity without actually growing your business.

Be Healthy

While good health might not be directly related to your work environment, it can often suffer when you start working remotely. Food habits and snacking can lead to bad habits forming, while it is easy to reduce the amount of walking when you are in a fixed location. Also, offices will have certain guidelines, but these might not be followed at home. For example, posture can suffer when you are not following best practices for seating and monitor placement.

Develop Systems

Large businesses require systems to operate efficiently, with different departments and workers needed to communicate and collaborate. Regardless of the size of your own business, developing these systems will also help you run operations remotely. There are many different project management tools, with various employees having access to the appropriate information. You can track the progress of individual jobs and set up regular meetings over Skype.

Join a Mastermind

A mastermind group is typically composed of like-minded individuals looking to progress in their own fields. You may meet together at various points during the year, but also communicate and offer advice over email. If you can find the right mastermind group, ideally including some members who are more experienced than you, you can grow your business at a quicker rate. In an office environment, colleagues will be available for advice and ideas, but remote workers need to look for alternative ways of exchanging ideas and motivating each other.

Every business has numerous challenges that appear each day. Whether you run a business from home or a fixed location, overcoming problems will be a natural part of entrepreneurship. However, it is important to think about some of the issues that hold back so many remote workers and business owners. When you understand the common problems that will inevitably appear, you should be prepared for all challenges. There are so many benefits to running a remote business, but careful planning and preparation are required if you want to become one of the success stories.

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